Burnout Test
The PBT is a burnout prevention tool for coaches and psychologists.
Currently, burnout is not yet recognized as an occupational disease in a majority of countries. There are, in fact, no clear and well-established criteria for diagnosing a person as burnout or not. In the scientific literature, five broad categories of symptoms related to burnout have been identified.
Since late 2012, Risesmart has contributed to the development of the PBT Premium tool. Today our team of nearly 20 ICF certified and certified coaches for the use of this tool, is very favorable because this very practical tool allows them, within the framework of the accompaniment of people who live from the professional stress, of target very clearly, with their coaches, their stressors but also their main sources of well-being. Thanks to this accelerated awareness, the coach can then quickly be directed to very constructive actions allowing him to regain energy.